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About the author


What is the origin of Cavernicola?

One cold winter morning at the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, an incarnated spirit awoke to life for the third time in a row under the influence of Taurus, Mars and the Star King. 

Son of Inti Tayta and PachaMama, his conception was possible thanks to the prodigious runoff of the Apu Pariaqacca that rushes down the desert coast to its mouth in the Pacific Ocean.

Born as Benjamin, being legitimate descendant of an ancestor landed in South America,  inherited in the genetic code mixture of distant coasts of Asia, Africa and Europe; He received a first name that should never be pronounced, since the mere invocation combines creative madness and irascible appetite for great warlike deeds typical of a megalomaniac and the occasional mythomaniac. 

His childhood was spent in a farm where agricultural activity fell into oblivion as well as the ditch that irrigated it, being replaced by the parcelling of cement and concrete, mechanical workshops and upholstery.    

  He grew up in the happiness of poverty enjoying innate talent to dominate a ball. Pleasant sensory impression experienced the first time he visited a stadium.

Without imagining that the meadows and green fields kept more than he could see. 

A reminiscence awoke in his memory in the year 14 of this century while he was descending on two wheels through an Abra of the Andes Mountains.

Since then, a blazing desire to reach the highest peaks of perpetual snow led him to shed one by one, each layer of paradigms carried in the foundation of his identity.

He abandoned the puerile occupation of a clerk and a prospect of a professional career in the financial field. 

He spent a decade walking and experimenting. He crossed the Andes towards Antisuyo, under the shelter of the original ethnic groups of the Amazon, he learned to see, hear and perceive the ancestral knowledge of Mother Nature.

He navigated the Amazon River-Sea to the Atlantic delta where he accepted an invitation that provided him with a safe-conduct to enter an archipelago with restricted access to those least favored by the game of monetary policy.

He moved to north latitude and spent two years observing habits and customs of a first world society whose culture under the Empire of the Sun subsists in syncretism: 

On the one hand, stagnant under the court canon and on the other, alienated from irrational consumption habits dictated by the winner of a despicable armed conflict.

After a harsh boreal winter and the lushness of Spring, he was granted five weeks of Summer's coveted longing:

Ascend the Alps; the same number of summits as his years in this life.

In addition to a longed-for wish: Collect the forgotten steps after a hundred years of migration.

On board a ferry crossing the Seto Sea, the Author rediscovered an imprint engraved deep within Consciousness, a composition of elements that allowed the search to be completed.

The existential finding lay within.  

We are here. Let's be now.

Solar Year 22, day 18.  

The author. 

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